Secure Your Boundaries
Sometimes we have a very difficult time setting boundaries for ourselves and for others in our lives. Setting your personal boundaries is...
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So the problem with losing your since of self is figuring out were to begin your journey of learning who you are now. Some people that...
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The reason why financial stress hurts relationships is that each party feels that particular stress differently. Both people may know...
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In relationships, you're position in your partner's life isn't guaranteed. Most times we would like to think that it is but the truth of...
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In a committed relationship or marriage, their is going to be a cost associated with your career. In this chase to get ahead of specific...
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Relationship Goals
Whenever two individuals enter into a relationship or marriage no one ever tells you that your connection with each other has to be...
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Double Sided Relationship
Sometimes when you're having issues in a relationship, do you ever consider that these issues are double sided?? What I mean by double...
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What's Your Routine???
What does your daily routine look like? Does your routine add to the vision that you have for your life? Take a look at your routine or...
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Intentional Life
Living your life intentionally is not an easy feat. You have to plan, focus, prioritize and sacrifice at times to achieve it. Living your...
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Dream Bigger
When you consider your dreams and goals for your life, do you consider if they are big enough? When you tell people about what you want...
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Sex Vs. Making Love In Relationships
One of the biggest myths is when you tell your partner you love then and that love is translated in the bedroom. Honestly, sometimes it...
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Empowering Me
When it comes to who empowers you to be the best version of yourself, who is your support team? In order to make the moves that you have...
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In any relationship, a certain level of reciprocation is needed for the relationship to remain healthy and grow. Sometimes when we assume...
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When you begin your relationship with that special someone where does the friendship end and the relationship begin. Most couples start...
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From a relationship standpoint, wanting things your way all the time is not a good idea. The foundation of a healthy relationship is...
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Why Cheat???
Have you ever thought about why people cheat on there mate? That is the question that people ask themselves when they hear that someone...
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What's Your Why???
What's your why? There are many reasons a person gets up in the morning to go work, school, workout and etc. What's your why? What is the...
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